Healthy pregnancy

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Yay! So now there is this beautiful and amazing journey ahead of you when your body slowly goes through a lot of changes and creates a life inside of you. Isn’t it beautiful? This is the time when you slowly transform yourself from being a women to a mother. So this time is extremely important to take care of your body as you are creating this life inside of you. Here are some of the tips which helped me to make my pregnancy easier and hope this helps you too. Always make sure with your health care provider before applying these tips and whether they are safe for you or not depending on your pregnancy.

Since every body is different and every pregnancy is different, so some of you may experience some things differently than others, which is absolutely okay as long as you and your baby is healthy. During my experience in pregnancy, I had horrible morning sickness but luckily it lasted only for the first trimester. I wonder why its called morning sickness since it lasts whole day and night. But wait, I am not here to scare you, since every experience is different and you might not even get morning sickness during your pregnancy. My morning sickness started around 8 weeks of my pregnancy . My favorite foods like dumplings, pizzas started grossing me out. Food aversions really started to kick in and I could not eat anything. Everything would smell really horrible. The only thing I could eat was saltine crackers, apples, and some plain rice . One thing to avoid morning sickness is to keep yourself hydrated even though you don’t feel like drinking water, but it really helps. Keep some crackers or other snacks that you can eat by the bedside. I would wake up around 4 am in the morning and munch on the crackers to avoid throwing up in the morning. Sucking some fresh ginger also helped me with the nausea. My doctor prescribed me some medications for my morning sickness but I didn’t felt like taking it as I was staying home at that time and it was manageable. As mentioned earlier, it was not that bad and it slowly subsided after 3rd month or the first trimester.

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