Shrimp quinoa

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-1/2 pound wild caught shrimp (peeled and deveined) ( I prefer using wild caught ones than farm raised, since farm raised contain more man made toxic contaminants and are fed low quality meals with antibiotics and hormones than wild caught, which are caught from their natural habitats and eat from their existing environment.)

-1 medium sized onion(finely chopped)

-1 medium sized tomato (finely chopped)

-2 cloves of garlic (minced)

-2 cups of  organic sprouted quinoa (I prefer mine sprouted from Pure Living – Organic Sprouted Quinoa – 15 Oz , because the sprouted ones helps in easy bio-availability of key nutrients. I also  soak them overnight with some raw apple cider vinegar Bragg Organic Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar, Raw, 16 Ounce – 1 Pack which helps to get rid of phytic acid present in the grains. Phytic acid prevents our bodies from absorption of nutrients. Therefore soaking the grains removes phytic acid but activates the phytase enzymes which helps in better nutrient absorption and digestion.)

-1 tbsp of organic unsalted butter

-Salt and pepper to taste ( I prefer using Himalayan pink salt Sherpa Pink Himalayan Salt, 2lbs Extra-Fine Grain because it is less processed and contains minerals and trace elements and has low sodium content than table salt. Also, it makes food tastes better.)

-1 tbsp of ground cumin Cumin Powder (1 Pound) – Organic Ground Cumin Seed Powder (Cuminum cyminum L.)( I like using variety of spices in my food due to their several health benefits. Cumin is known to help with  digestion and is also good source of iron.)

-Stock of your choice or water


In a medium pot, heat your unsalted butter.Once the butter is melted, add your chopped onions and minced garlic and saute it until golden brown. Now add your chopped tomatoes, salt and pepper per your taste and ground cumin. Keep stirring in between until the tomatoes are soft and mixed with onion, garlic and seasonings. Now add your shrimp and cook them until they change their color. Now add your soaked quinoa and mix everything. Add 4 cups of water or stock of your choice and let it simmer until the quinoa is cooked and fluffy. You can also add some lemon juice if you want to enhance the taste. Serve hot and enjoy with your choice of  veggies.